ChinWag – First Draft

It’s a long way from ready, but it’s nice to see the project really starting to take shape. More development posts to come, of course. Amazing what you can do these days with just a handful of free stock photography, an off-the-shelf theme and a quiet evening at home. Yes, I know the text is hard … [Read more …]
Jappix, Prosody and Nginx

Installing Jappix on our little baby XMPP server is a very quick win in a lot of ways. In one hit we get a web-based front end to registration so we can eventually disable/redirect In-Band Registration if we want, we get a basic web presence we can refer people to, and we get a known-working XMPP client to refer end-users with difficulties to for sanity checking.
Conferences, Rooms, MUCs … What?

I was originally going to write a post on setting up Jappix before covering MUC configuration, but changed my mind. It’ll be good to have a working chat room to join when we test Jappix, and there are some other components and services we need to revisit DNS for around then, so let’s avoid doing that part twice and just get our conferences up.
SSL Certificates and SRV Records

I originally planned to use my own reseller account’s DNS hosting with an existing domain, but I woke up one morning utterly convinced that I needed to own and I don’t have reseller access to that TLD through my normal setup. I picked it up through my Gandi account, but their DNS interface is … well, “awful” is being generous.
Extra Modules and Dependencies

This article is part of an ongoing series of posts, there’s an index here. I was originally going to make this post about SRV records and SSL certificates at this point, but StartSSL won’t issue me a certificate for until the domain is older than three days (at the time of writing it’s only … [Read more …]
Configuring Prosody

This article is part of an ongoing series of posts, there’s an index here. Environment I’ve started with Ubuntu 14.04 as the platform for this project, mainly due to it having a good selection of the packages we’ll need at suitable versions, and it’s a well-tested option for the software we’ll be deploying. I have registered … [Read more …]
XMPP Server Software

This article is part of an ongoing series of posts, there’s an index here. The base operating system for this project will be Ubuntu 14.04, mainly because a lot of what we’ll need is conveniently packaged for it at appropriate versions. Not much of what is going on is going to be OS-specific though and … [Read more …]
Building a Public XMPP Service

This article is part of an ongoing series of posts, there’s an index here. So for nearly five years now, I’ve been running a public XMPP server to support a small community. Since it first appeared, XMPP (or Jabber) has had its ups and downs but has never really seemed to get any mainstream traction, … [Read more …]