Chinwag Posts

Chinwag admin, fan of open communication standards, maintainer of communities, male comedienne.
Winner of Time Magazine "Person of the Year" 2006 and will never get tired of that joke.
I talk about #retrocomputing a lot. I also do a lot of #gardening and occasionally make #bread and #beer. I was a Unix #sysadmin for 25 years and I'm slowly recovering.
I live in #Melbourne, #Australia and sometimes tell jokes on stages around here. I co-host a #StarTrek podcast with @ThePingMachine
I have triggered an exciting new edge in my computing environment by accidentally hitting caps lock on an external keyboard as I unplugged it from my laptop.
The laptop does not have a caps lock key on its inbuilt keyboard, so I was unable to turn caps lock off again in any way other than reconnecting the external keyboard or rebooting the whole thing.
Computers. Love 'em.
For anyone writing a password generator that has an option to "include punctuation characters" I'm also going to need you to put "do not leave unclosed parentheses" in there as well. Make the generated password longer if you have to.
Thank you. I am not a crackpot.
Fucking earwormed unexpectedly in the break room at the office.

My work here is done.

*hacker voice* I'm in.