What’s Mike Doing?

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October 22, 2022While it’s been something that was obvious to me for for a very long time, it was only a month ago I was officially diagnosed with ADHD by an actual psychiatrist. Now that my diagnosis has been validated and impostor syndrome is a thing of the past, I am finally going to start talking about how it’s been living with ADHD. [...]
July 10, 2022When I left home on a slightly chilly Saturday morning, my only plan was “go for a walk somewhere” and I knew in the absence of any sudden inspiration, I was going to head in a Lerderderg-ish direction, mainly because in my head I love saying “Lerderderg” as if I’m the Swedish Chef. I did … [Read more …] [...]

Chinwag Posts

Me: Shit I should make some notes about the build process for this project and maybe stash some settings and stuff in a script so I can ...

Me: You're inventing Makefiles. They exist. You know this.

Me: ... maybe then I could just edit one config file and run a single command and ... wait did you say something?

Me: I don't know why I bother sometimes.

I really need to think about a syncing all my Downloads directories, because I know I downloaded the service manual for my tape deck, but I can't recall which computer I downloaded it on, or find the source again.

It absolutely astonishes me that this janky setup actually works, but what the hell! I can start dumping stuff onto these things now and do more than blink an LED maybe!

A small chip and lit up red LED on a breakout board attached to perfboard with wires running across to another bit of perfboard crudely attached to an arduino. Terminal screenshot of a command output saying that an AVR mircocontoller has been detected as an M8 model and is ready to be programmed.