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October 22, 2022While it’s been something that was obvious to me for for a very long time, it was only a month ago I was officially diagnosed with ADHD by an actual psychiatrist. Now that my diagnosis has been validated and impostor syndrome is a thing of the past, I am finally going to start talking about how it’s been living with ADHD. [...]
July 10, 2022When I left home on a slightly chilly Saturday morning, my only plan was “go for a walk somewhere” and I knew in the absence of any sudden inspiration, I was going to head in a Lerderderg-ish direction, mainly because in my head I love saying “Lerderderg” as if I’m the Swedish Chef. I did … [Read more …] [...]

Chinwag Posts

I really needed to clean up the kitchen, but it was too cold to get motivated enough to leave the couch. Fortunately I had a genius idea, and started roasting potatoes, which made the kitchen warm and smell awesome.

So now I have a clean kitchen and I'm full of potato.

Rediscovered an old jacket I'd forgotten, it was pretty expensive when I bought it ages ago, nice to see it's holding up well and was worth the money.

To give an indication of when I got this, it has an internal pocket that's exactly the right size for a Nokia phone. 😎

Close up of a black jacket showing a pocket fitted inside that's fairly narrow and the right dimensions for a Nokia 5110 or similar

I think in about 11 hours I'm going to learn (again) that bidding on an item on eBay while thinking "haha someone else will definitely outbid me, I won't have to drive to the other side of town and pick this up" never goes the way I think it will.

Edit: Damn ... anyone else need anything picked up while I'm in Moorabbin? 🙃

Before I put the case back on properly again, I snapped a few pics of the current state of my Amiga 500 setup, as it's kind of settled for now. There's absolutely more I intend to do, but it's running a ton of stuff nicely now.

Here's the 8MB & IDE board fitted with a 68010 CPU, the bodged up 3.1.4 Kickstart ROM, the A501 expansion and clock board I converted to a CR2032 (and cleaned the Varta juice from), and an overview with the CF card hanging off its cable.

Fitting the "hard drive" somewhere properly is the next job. I'll figure that out when I get a longer IDE cable and have some options!

A 68010 CPU piggybacking on a board above an Amiga CPU socket, with an ide cable running from one side An EPROM on a board with wires soldered to some pins, and a label reading Close up of a CR2032 battery holder on a board with a small diode visible at the edge An open Amiga 500 case with a CF card hanging out the front on the end of an IDE cable

Just realised while looking up some info that last Monday was the 9th birthday of the chinwag.im service.

It's kinda deprecated in favour of chinwag.org now (every .org account is valid as both XMPP and ActivityPub identities!) - but it's not going anywhere in a hurry.

If you feel like saying hi, I'm always lurking in the Lobby!
