1. Fayabomb

    Nice project. Why do you use 0.10 ? What are the features Prosody doesnt have in next versions? MUC ? Archiving ?
    Moreover, did you think about using an other server (Tigase, openfire, ejabberd) ?

    • The main missing piece in the 0.9 series right now is a working websockets module. It’s been moved into the 0.10 core from the separate modules project already, and the last published version doesn’t seem to work past 0.9.4. It’s not a critical piece, but one I really want. Also if I document a 0.9 setup this late in its life, I’ll just need to come back and update it when 0.10 releases in the near future.

      I’m going with Prosody right now because I’m copying chatme.im’s setup fairly closely for this run. I’ll possibly write up some stuff on other servers later.

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